pitch dark

美 [ˌpɪtʃ ˈdɑːrk]英 [ˌpɪtʃ ˈdɑːk]
  • adj.漆黑的;乌黑的;同 pitch-black
pitch darkpitch dark
  1. Imagine . It 's a pitch dark night .


  2. When I got up at five that cold morning , it was pitch dark .


  3. It was pitch dark and he could see nothing .


  4. Pitch dark . I don 't know whether it is day or night .


  5. It was pitch dark in the corridor and I had to feel my way along .


  6. In the picture presented , an oil lamp gives out bright light in the pitch dark .


  7. Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs .


  8. Now we were heading up to the anti-Taliban forces'prime observation post north of the capital-in the pitch dark .


  9. Of course , that might not be much comfort to anyone trying to find their way home in the pitch dark , but at least they won 't get mugged .


  10. But the crescent moon that was most familiar with my tears did not appear this time . It was pitch dark , without even the glow of fireflies .


  11. Just when they are at a loss , the Revolution of October in Russia is like a lightning which can pierce the endless darkness and bring them out of the pitch dark .


  12. A lot of these areas have no grid . They have got no water , all of those things that you would need in a camp , clinics , lighting , those , you know , most of these neighborhoods are living in the pitch dark in rubble twice as high as our heads .
